Google’s March 2024 Core Update

Google, the search engine giant, started to roll out a core algorithm update in March 2024, and it might have given your online presence a little nudge. It is Google’s most significant CORE ALGORITHM UPDATE since Penguin & Panda and you may have already noticed a shift in your local search results.

In fact, although the official release began just this month, Google has been tweaking and testing things ‘helpful-content’ related since 2022 as part of their HCU (Helpful Content Update).

As you may have guessed, all to reduce unhelpful, unoriginal content. And now they’re implementing these changes, with highly volatile results.

But hey, don’t panic!

Let’s break down what this update means for businesses like yours, and how you can do your best to ensure you sparkle in the search results.

Click here for the full article on Google’s March 2024 Core Update.

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